Hundreds Have Fallen for These Disney Lies – Don’t Let It Happen to YOU

Disney is in the news every day. Between the movies, streaming services, TV networks, theme parks, cruise ships, and so much more that the company owns, there’s always something new.

Burbank Disney Company Headquarters ©️LA Times

Just in the past week, we learned that Disney is joining forces with Warner Brothers Discovery and Fox to offer a combined sports streaming service, that Disney has bought a stake in Epic Games and the companies are developing a major gaming platform, and that Moana 2 is in production and will be released in theaters the week of Thanksgiving this year. But with such a news making company, there are bound to be some things that make the news that, well, just aren’t true.

And sometimes, outright LIES about Disney spread quickly on the Internet. (What’s that? There are things on the Internet that aren’t true?! 😲) Sure, we’re poking fun, but we’ve all done a double-take at some of the headlines about Disney we see. Let’s take a look at a couple of recent lies about Disney that are masquerading as news on the Internet — just to be sure you haven’t fallen for the ruse.

No, Disney did not buy the rights to the Bible.

Yep, searches about whether Disney bought the rights to the Bible have been trending on Google for about the past 10 days. And NO, there is no truth to this rumor at all. How do we know? Well, first of all, remember how we all learned what “public domain” meant when the version of Mickey Mouse copyrighted with Steamboat Willie entered the public domain at the beginning of this year? The Bible has always been in the public domain. No one has a copyright on it, and no one would have “the rights to the Bible” to sell to anyone else.


People have been writing books, making art, writing and performing songs, and making films and TV shows based on the Bible ever since, well, ever since the Bible was the Bible. No one has to buy rights from anyone else to do that. So, how did this rumor start? Back in 2018, The Babylon Bee web site published a story about Disney buying the rights to the Bible for $7.02 billion “from its Author.” And here’s the thing … The Babylon Bee is a parody web site. The news articles it writes are satirical and meant for entertainment — they aren’t factual. As the site says, “We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life.”


It’s often hard to find the original source of an Internet rumor, but it looks like a Tik Tok based on this article went viral, and then quickly spread around other social media sites. But we promise, this is not true.

No, Disney is not building a maternity ward in Disney World.

Would it be your dream to give birth at Disney World? We’ll be honest, the moms on our team here at All Ears say nope, not at all. That’s why we were so surprised that people seemed to be falling for the Internet rumor that a maternity ward was being built at Disney World! According to the rumors, the maternity ward would be located above Casey’s Corner on Main Street, U.S.A.

Casey’s Corner

Just think … you could be doing your lamaze breathing and receiving your epidural while the smell of freshly fried corn dog nuggs wafts across your labor and delivery room. How … weird. So weird, that we promise this insane rumor is not true. We will concede, though, that babies ARE born at Disney World. There was this baby elephant born late last year

Olga Thompson/Walt Disney World  Say hi to Corra!

And we can’t forget about Baby Elijah, the Okapi that was born in October 2023 who you can now spot on the Kilimanjaro Safaris in Animal Kingdom!

©Disney Awww! Hi, Elijah!

So we hope you didn’t fall victim to these Disney lies that were circulating, but if you did, now you know the truth! Want to hear about more lies people believe about Disney World? Here are 8 Disney World “facts” that are TOTALLY false!

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Have you ever fallen for a Disney rumor that turned out to be false? Tell us about it in the comments!

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