A Few Bona Fide and Questionable Hidden Mickeys in Fantasyland and Tomorrowland

Are you still searching for Hidden Mickeys with me?

Steve Barrett, Hidden Mickey Guy!

Some Hidden Mickeys are difficult to capture in photos. As you move past scenes on a ride, your eyes may spot images that look like Hidden Mickeys but are actually illusions. I extracted the images in this article from my videos, so we can make a more informed decision about whether we’re looking at actual Hidden Mickeys.

This first photo comes from “Mickey’s PhilharMagic” in Fantasyland. You can see the three gold domes from above when you fly down toward the city on Aladdin’s magic carpet. As you experience the movie, these domes seem to form a classic three-circle Hidden Mickey. In the photo, the lower dome does seem slightly larger than the two domes above it. Do the three domes form a classic Hidden Mickey?

Three-dome Hidden Mickey in Mickey’s PhilharMagic

During the first part of “The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh,” keep your eyes peeled at the scene on your left. Near a drawing of a tree, Piglet is hanging on in the wind, and shadows of leaves drift and twist in front of him. The last leaf turns to simulate a classic Mickey wearing a small sorcerer’s hat. Look to the right middle of the photo for the possible Mickey leaf shadow. What do you think? Is it Mickey? (Thanks to Dick Larson, and Tyler Glynn.)

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh twisting leaf Hidden Mickey

In Tomorrowland, two amazing Hidden Mickeys are on the wall to your right at the first part of the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin ride. A classic Mickey with a green head and blue ears is on the first part of the lower right wall. Another classic Mickey is a foot or so to the left and below the first one. It’s made of circular markings on a star in the lower left corner of the photo.

Two tiny Hidden Mickeys in space on Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin

Enjoy the search for Hidden Mickeys! And share your thoughts on these or other Hidden Mickeys in the comments below!

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Steve Barrett is a doctor and Disney nut whose favorite Walt Disney World memory is strolling through the Magic Kingdom with his young son on his shoulders. Not surprisingly, his favorite spot in the World is anywhere there's a Hidden Mickey. He suggests that all visitors take some time to chat with cast members, especially when looking for Hidden Mickeys, as they can enrich your Disney experience and make it even more magical.

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