How I Spent Just $20 A Day On Food in Disney World

It’s no secret Disney World can be expensive!

Magic Kingdom

With the changing cost of Genie+ to the new Hollywood Studios Jollywood Night Parties and even Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, things can get pretty pricey. That’s why I was given the challenge to only use $20 dollars per day for food in Disney World, so let’s chat about how it went.

Dining in Disney World can get pretty expensive but what does it look like to eat on a budget in Disney? Recently my friends and I had a few days in Disney World, $20, and a dream to eat on a budget. In addition to our $20, we did have some oatmeal packets, carrots, and sausage that we brought from home to supplement our meals. It was all part of a challenge based on reality TV — and the Last to Leave Disney World won a Disney Cruise! You can see all the excitement and who won in our video right here:

Now, let’s eat!

Let’s eat!

For the first day, I luckily had eaten breakfast before the budget began so I had some Chip N’ Dale Goldfish with my snacks from home for lunch, totaling $3.48.


For dinner, I enjoyed some Casey’s Corn Dog Nuggets with my favorite addition of plastic cheese for an additional dollar which ran me roughly $12.24. So on my first day, I spent $15.72 and was pleasantly nice and full thanks to my at-home snacks.

Pure happiness!

The second day of my challenge was a bit tougher because I was working on all three meals with only $20, which took quite a bit of planning. My main takeaway from this experience is that budgeting in Disney World is possible with a lot of pre-planning. During this challenge, my friends and I were staying at Disney’s Art of Animation Resort, so I stopped by Landscape of Flavors for breakfast.

Landscape of Flavors

I utilized my store-bought oatmeal for breakfast, but used butter and syrup from the quick service to dress it up a bit. I also got a side of bacon for $3.18 for some added protein.

Yummy bacon!

I felt so full after my breakfast (I used two packs of oatmeal), that I only snacked for lunch and decided to have an early, heavier dinner. I once again, stopped by Landscape of Flavors and grabbed a Chicken Parmesan Pasta for $13.59 after tax. My total for the second day was $16.76!

Landscape of Flavors

While I went for the light lunch and heavy dinner route, my friend Quincy opted to buy a large pizza for $20.22 (after tax) for her lunch and use that for multiple meals throughout the next day and a half.

A large pizza slice.

When it came to lunches and dinners, my friend Fry Bucket utilized kid’s meals! This helped her keep her budget down while being able to eat multiple meals throughout the day.

Quincy, Fry Bucket, and I in Magic Kingdom

So while it might be difficult, it is possible to survive Disney World on $20 a day! Don’t forget to keep following AllEars for all of your Disney budgeting tips and tricks!

Click Here To See The Cheapest Days To Go To Disney World in 2024! 

What is your go-to budget meal in Disney World? Tell me in the comments! 

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2 Replies to “How I Spent Just $20 A Day On Food in Disney World”

  1. I have no idea why I spent nearly two hours watching these young ladies punish themselves so much. I am not a masochist. They gave it their all. I think this is why I signed up for a 9-hour VIP tour last September when we were last there.