18 Dates to Avoid Disney’s Animal Kingdom in 2024

Disney World’s Animal Kingdom is widely viewed as one of the least popular parks, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t get busy!

Animal Kingdom

There are so many beautiful sights to see in Animal Kingdom and exciting attractions to visit. However, if you’re planning a trip in 2024, here are the dates you may want to avoid in this park.

As a general rule of thumb in Disney World, weekends will always be busier than days during the week, but there are a few specific dates you’ll also want to steer clear of.

New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day

If you plan to spend your last day of 2023 or first day of 2024 in Animal Kingdom, be ready to share it with many of your not-so-close friends.

Animal Kingdom holiday crowds

Many Disney-goers think this is a great way to end the year or start the new one off (and we can’t disagree), but that means that crowds are high all around the parks.

Earth Day/Animal Kingdom’s Anniversary

Did you know that Animal Kingdom’s birthday is on Earth Day? The park usually introduces special snacks for this holiday, and sometimes additional entertainment opportunities that aren’t usually offered.

Animal Kingdom’s 25th Anniversary

Therefore, this is another commonly popular day in the park you may want to stray away from. Or, if you want to take part in the festivities, expect some longer lines!

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend takes place from May 25th through May 27th this year. Since many kids get a long weekend off of school and parents often have the holiday off, and you know what that means — higher crowds!

Animal Kingdom Crowds

Crowds may be a little lower than at other parks, but it may be more crowded than on a normal Monday.

Labor Day Weekend

Another long weekend to watch out for is Labor Day Weekend, taking place from August 30th to September 2nd.

September Crowds

This is for the same reason as before — parents and kids are off of school and work, so why not head to Animal Kingdom?

Thanksgiving Week

Speaking of school breaks and holidays, Thanksgiving week is another busy time in all the parks, including Animal Kingdom.

Creature Comforts Crowds

While Thanksgiving day will certainly be busy, many families also wait until the weekend after to celebrate. Be sure to prepare yourself for larger crowds and long lines the whole week.

Christmas Week

Similarly, Christmas week is also busy in Animal Kingdom, especially Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Animal Kingdom Christmas Decorations

All the parks decorate for the holiday, but many guests love Animal Kingdom especially, so they’ll head into the parks to experience the full magic of the holiday week.

Expedition Everest

We’re here to bring you all the latest Disney news and help you plan for your future trips, so stay tuned to AllEars!

This is the weird reason Animal Kingdom is Disney World’s most stressful park!

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What days would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments!

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