Wildly Adorable Baby Zebra and Baby Monkey Have Joined Disney’s Animal Kingdom!

Well, we just got the cutest news of the day. After all, who doesn’t love baby animals?

The Cutest Little Fam in the Whole Savannah! ©Disney

There have been two births in Animal Kingdom since the new year began, and that means that we get to look at some seriously cute pictures. So, read on to meet the new baby zebra and baby monkey that have joined the magical family over at Animal Kingdom!

On January 15th, a new Angolan black-and-white colobus monkeys joined the family at Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail. Baby Douglas is pictured here with Mama Zahra!

Baby Douglas and his Mom, Zahra ©Disney

Colobus monkeys are born white and get their coloring as they get older, so he won’t be a little white fluffball forever. Soon, he’ll look like his older sister, Alika, who was born in 2018.

Hangin’ with the family! ©Disney

And over in the West Savanna, Animal Kingdom teams welcomed the first-ever Hartmann’s zebra foal to be born in the park on January 21st. This little guy was born at 65lbs (wow!) and was walking around within 30 minutes of being born. That’s some quick progress!

Cute as anything, even without a name! ©Disney

The male zebra foal is yet to be named. We wonder what moniker he’ll end up with! His mom is named Prima, so maybe they’ll call him Secondus? Ok, maybe not.

Mama-lovin’ ©Disney

You can see Douglas the Monkey already hanging out at Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail, and the zebra foal will be joining the other zebras out on the West Savanna when he’s ready. So, keep an eye out next time you’re on Kilimanjaro Safaris!

Don’t you think these babies are the cutest ever? Tell us what you think the Zebra baby’s name should be in the comments!

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