Spoonbills at Animal Kingdom

There are at least 2 species of Spoonbills residing at Disney's Animal Kingdom; the Rosea Spoonbill and the African Spoonbill. Both can be seen on the Oasis in the front of the park.

Rosea Spoonbill:

Rosea Spoonbill
Rosea Spoonbill

In April, 2007, babies were born to at least 2 African Spoonbill females in full view of visitors at Animal Kingdom.

African Spoonbills:

African Spoonbills with Young

The babies on the left were approximatly 1-2 days old. The ones on the right were believed to be less than 24 hours old

African Spoonbill with Young
Baby African Spoonbill
Baby African Spoonbill
Baby African Spoonbill

According to the Field Guide to Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park: "The African Spoonbill, is a wading bird easily identified by its spoon-shaped bill, and its pink, almost red legs. In the wild, African Spoonbills travel in large groups, sometimes more than 250 pairs, although they feed in smaller numbers (about 10 birds). As spoonbills wade in shallow waters, they "sweep" their bill from side to side, straining small items from the water and snapping at small fish and frogs.