Will Jollywood Nights Return to Disney World in 2024?

Disney World can be very upfront with their calendars, but that doesn’t always mean we know what the future has in store.

Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Disney’s Hollywood Studios is no stranger to hosting events and that includes Jollywood Nights. As of now, there has been no update on whether or not the holiday event will return to Hollywood Studios, but we can speculate on what we think could happen to the event in 2024!

Disney Vacation Planner

Jollywood Nights debuted in November 2023 as a celebration of the holiday season. The event was held on select nights over the course of two months and featured shows, special treats, and access to certain attractions. So will it return? That answer is complicated right now but here’s why it may or may not make its return in 2024.


Let’s start with why Jollywood Nights might return. First and foremost, these nighttime events can be extra profit for Disney. While the foot traffic can be considerably less, each ticket is separate from regular park admission. Last year, tickets varied from $159 to $179 per person. Also, with the sales of specialty must-try food, Disney found a way to continue to make profits even with fewer people in Hollywood Studios.


Another reason Jollywood Nights might return is the opportunity to grow the event. Last year’s Jollywood Nights didn’t offer as much as something like Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party over at Magic Kingdom. Another year gives Disney the chance to continue to evaluate what the consumer likes and impliment changes for a better experience. If Disney World removes the event after one year, then they put themselves in a hole if they ever want to bring it back.

Jollywood Nights

On a purely speculative basis, one way to tell if Jollywood Nights is coming back is that we haven’t heard that it’s not. Disney simply hasn’t commented on the matter and until it’s announced Jollywood Nights isn’t coming back (or it just doesn’t return), we just have to assume it’s business as usual at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.

Holiday Donald

With all of that said, there is a reason the question of Jollywood Nights’ return is so prominent. There is still a very real chance the holiday event was a one-and-doneFor starters, the Hollywood Studios celebration received less than stellar feedback. There were no unique ride overlays, no parades, no free snacks or drinks, and the character meet-and-greets as well as the entertainment options were limited. All of these flaws would’ve been overlooked if not for the steep price of a ticket. Fans made their frustrations known online and interest was hurt as a result of the public displeasure.

While the event notably got better as time progressed, participants still were left with a bad taste in their mouths and an announced return would clearly be met with some cynicism.

Jollywood Nights

The public reaction could cause Disney to consider shifting course. There are several possibilities with this line of thinking. Disney World could install a new holiday event at one of the other three major parks. Perhaps the reason Jollywood Nights didn’t perform as well as Disney had hoped was due to location. If that’s the case, Disney World has plenty of other real estate to try something new during this year’s holiday season.

Jollywood Nights Tower of Terror

Ultimately, Jollywood Nights could turn into a new event at Hollywood Studios. We could see Disney World admit defeat on last year’s event and use the park to host something different with last year’s feedback in mind. It’s also possible that a holiday event at the park is scrapped altogether. There is nothing binding Disney to host a holiday event there and they may find it prudent to wait for a replacement to be installed, if ever.

Mickey is ready for Jollywood Nights — will Disney World be ready?

At the end of the day, we still don’t know what the fate Jollywood Nights faces. It’s up to what Disney World feels is the best course of action. Regardless of that looming decision, the reality of the situation is that they likely have to earn guest trust back after a harsh 2023 Jollywood Nights performance by perception standards. If the event does return, it will be incredibly fascinating to see how Disney World adjusted to the criticisms and what new offerings will be available.

In the meantime, stay tuned here at AllEars for all the latest Disney World news, tips, and reviews!

The MAJOR Difference Between Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios After Hours Events in 2024

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If you attended Jollywood Nights, what did you think? Do you feel the criticisms are fair? Share your thoughts in the comments!