Reviews of Journey Into Imagination




6.76 / 10

Recommended By


Reviewed by BrianR Review Date: 11/13/2023

Rating: (7)
Not Recommended

Not much to this ride really...but it's a good break when you want to get off of your feet at Epcot. Fun little story with Figment and pretty short ride. Lines are not long at all, so why not.


Fun little ride, especially for the younger ones. Lines are not long at all


Not much to it; but hey, you're at WDW so why not.
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Reviewed by Anonymous Review Date: 08/16/2022

Rating: (1)
Not Recommended

I have been going to Disney for more than 30 years. There has never been a ride I have refused to ride after the overhauls. Bring back dreamfinder


Atleast figment is there


A shadow of its former self, the original was all about imagination and the power of it.
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Reviewed by TouristAggie Review Date: 08/03/2022

Rating: (1)
Not Recommended

worst ride i've been on


there's AC


the ride is awful, there is nothing memorable. It's a large waste of space
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Reviewed by Anonymous Review Date: 06/03/2022

Rating: (1)
Not Recommended

this ride is a piece of junk. the only reason i rode it was to laugh at figment and that proved itself successful. it’s extremely out dated and made no sense, i had many moments of sensory overload as someone with ADHD. all together, very disappointed.




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Reviewed by John246 Review Date: 05/10/2022

Rating: (2)
Not Recommended

A very dopey, sad little ride


With no wait time, I suppose it’s nice to get on a ride to sit for 5-7 minutes


It’s really an irritating, UNIMAGINATIVE ride.
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Reviewed by jessica345 Review Date: 10/12/2021

Rating: (1)
Not Recommended

This is my least favorite ride in all of Disney World. Occasionally, I put myself through it to try to see if I enjoy it, but I always end up hating it. Its only perk is that there's rarely much of a wait (for a reason) and it's air-conditioned. Other than that, it's annoying, boring, and a miserable experience-- not to mention how gross the skunk smell portion of it is. Some say that it's great for children, but I highly disagree. I hated this as a child and still hate it now. If you want a break from the heat and crowds, I'd recommend going to Living With The Land (which is fairly nearby) instead of this.


Air-conditioning Little to no wait


Annoying, boring ride Gross smell scene Waste of time
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Reviewed by KevintheSnipe Review Date: 08/17/2021

Rating: (5)
Not Recommended

One of the worst things I could do is say something bad about Disney and one of their attractions, but this is just not a good ride. I really wanted to like this ride but its just not for me. This attraction is in need of a refurbishment. I never rode the OG version of this attraction so I don’t have any kind of connection to this ride, and I can’t say anything about comparing the current version to the previous versions of the attraction. This ride is just kind of boring. It gets really loud and dark and there are a few points in the ride when there is a loud sound or blast of air that can easily startle someone if they don’t know what’s about to happen. Even though there is no height requirement for this attraction, don’t assume that your kids will be okay with it because they could end up getting very scared from the sudden effects. I don’t really like Figment (sorry) and I won’t be going on this attraction anytime soon.


Usually a low wait.


Not exciting, outdated, loud, dark and I’m not a big fan of Figment.
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Reviewed by rahbekah Review Date: 08/02/2021

Rating: (3)
Not Recommended

I so wanted to like this ride! I love old school Epcot. I had no idea what to expect when I got on this ride, and I was so disappointed. The skunk smell in the smell room, the outdated figurines, the annoying song, the loud blast at the end... It all annoyed me, to be honest. I wish Figment had a better ride!


Figment is cute


Bad smells, loud blasts, outdated, overall not enjoyable
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Reviewed by CaptainQuick Review Date: 07/31/2021

Rating: (3)
Not Recommended

I mean my yuck sensors kick in. Avoid.


Nice for a quick break from the heat. Decent for little kids.


Shocked this ride is still here. In need of major update/refurbishment
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Reviewed by tayloranne06 Review Date: 07/10/2021

Rating: (5)
Not Recommended

okay so this is prolly my least favorite ride i rode out of all the rides i rode in the whole walt disney, it was really boring and not entertaining, i expected it to be better.


something to do if you have time


boring and wasn’t fun
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