I Was a Disney World Cast Member and I’m Letting You in on a Monorail Secret

When you’re a former Disney World Cast Member, you get a lot of questions about what it was like to work for The Mouse. “What’s it like in ‘the tunnels’?” “Did you get to visit the parks for free?” Yeah, we’ve heard it all, and if you’re lucky, we might even tell you a secret story or two!

EPCOT Monorail

One thing you learn pretty quickly as a Cast Member is that coworkers love to tell STORIES — they are working for an entertainment company, after all! So, what’s the story with the Monorail? Well, we’re here to tell a secret about this classic form of transportation. Shhh!

First, some introductions are in order. There is no one singular Monorail in Disney World. In fact, there’s a whole FLEET! You may catch a ride on Monorail Gold, Monorail Lime, Monorail Peach, Coral, and even Silver! These things go all over Disney World, and they hold a LOT of people; it takes a village to transport thousands of people from place to place!

EPCOT Monorail — that’s the Peach one!

Of course, just like a regular old car, those Monorail vehicles need maintenance every once in a while, too. That’s why there are so many colors out there — Disney needs a backup in case one of its Monorail vehicles needs a break.

Disney World monorail STUCK in EPCOT

We’ve even seen those Monorail vehicles break down in the middle of service. These things are OLD (the Monorail was first introduced in 1971), and even though the Monorail has seen some updates since it was first introduced, the technology here is not exactly cutting-edge.

Click here to see what happens when a monorail is STUCK in EPCOT

Now, let’s talk secrets. People love to know what’s happening backstage at Disney World. Is it weird to see Cast Members dressed in colonial garb staring at an iPhone? Do you ever see celebrities (or Disney executives) back there? You get the idea. Well, even the Monorail has a backstage area!


Of course, we can’t show you any pictures here, so you’re going to need to put on your imagination hats and trust us. Behind the Magic Kingdom, deep in storage and parking territory, there’s a HUGE building housing out-of-service Monorail vehicles. It’s like a carbarn but for Monorails!

Magic Kingdom Monorail

There are also some long tracks that lead in and out of the building, meaning the Monorail line extends a lot longer than you may realize! It turns out there’s a whole other (SECRET) Monorail stop you may never get to see — unless you decide to become a Magic Kingdom Cast Member (or drive down World Drive).

©Google Maps

As you can see, per Google Maps, there’s a LOT happening behind Magic Kingdom. Up towards the top of the map, you can see a large building called “Disney Holiday Services,” too. Disney has a LOT of stuff to store, so they need some BIG buildings to hold it all.

Disney has a LOT of holiday decorations

So, if you were wondering, “Where do all those Monorail cars go at the end of the day?” now you know!  In the meantime, we’re always on the lookout for the latest Disney news, so stay tuned for more.

I Was a Disney World Cast Member. Here Are 5 Things I’m BEGGING You To Stop Doing.

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Have you ever seen this SECRET stop? Let us know in the comments!

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One Reply to “I Was a Disney World Cast Member and I’m Letting You in on a Monorail Secret”

  1. Yes. On the Magic Behind our Steam Trains tour, you literally walk into this building and they let you take all the pictures you want. Not much of a secret.